McElwains Auctions specialize in selling general goods including new and used Quality Furniture, Pottery and Porcelain, Glass, Appliances, Jewelry, Tools, Machinery, Electronic goods, Antiques, Curios, and Collectables. We also hold regular Police Auctions.
The team in Hamilton bring over 50 years in auction experience and work hard to provide a friendly and professional auction experience to both our vendor’s and our buyer’s.
Auctions are conducted 3 times per month commencing on Friday at 6pm and concluding every Tuesday, selling house-lots, deceased estates, repossessed items, end of lease, liquidated company assets and general pre-loved items.
All auctions are conducted with viewing days prior to auction conclusion.
We have an extensive database of clients wanting to buy your items now. We send out catalogues to over 2500 clients, 6000 avid Facebook followers and a growing Instagram base. These buyers are interested in your quality pre-loved items and are passionate auction followers.